There are several organisations that you can approach for advice or financial assistance with energy efficiency.

The Carbon Trust is a government-funded organisation that provides free advice to businesses and the public sector on saving money through energy efficiency. It provides site energy surveys, interest-free loans and information on energy efficiency.

You can call the Carbon Trust Advice Line on Tel 0800 085 2005

Carbon Trust: Energy efficiency guides

GOV.UK website manages the Energy Technology List - a detailed list of the energy saving products that can qualify for enhanced capital allowances (ECA).

GOV.UK Energy Technology List for ECA

For more information, see the page in this guideline: Financing loans and tax incentives for energy efficient equipment.

The Energy Saving Trust (EST) aims to achieve the sustainable and efficient use of energy and to help cut C02 emissions. It provides practical advice on energy efficiency for both homes and businesses.

The EST also provides advice and support on reducing the energy impacts from business transport.

Business Energy Scotland has produced a series of free, online training modules for SMEs. The training will help develop the skills and knowledge needed to put in place effective resource efficiency measures in your business. They deal with energy, waste and water efficiency. You can work through them at your own speed, choosing the modules that are relevant to your business.

Business energy Scotland : Green Champions Training

Further information

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