This page provides links to the full text of key pieces of environmental legislation relating to chemical storage. The websites hosting the legislation may list amendments separately.

If you are setting up an environmental management system (EMS) for your business, you can use this list to start compiling your legal register. Your legal adviser or environmental consultant will be able to tell you if other environmental legislation applies to your specific business.

Environmental management systems and environmental reports

Northern Ireland

European Communities (EC) Regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) 1907/2006 (As amended) Requires manufacturers and importers of chemicals to evaluate and manage risks arising from their use, and prove that chemicals placed on the market are safe.

REACH Enforcement Regulations SI2008/2852 Implement the enforcement regime for REACH, by allocating the authorities the powers they need. Set the offences and penalties for contraventions of REACH requirements.

EU Regulation on the export and import of hazardous chemicals 2012/649 Introduces more stringent provisions on the import and export of dangerous chemicals in order to give greater protection to human health and the environment.

Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015/325 These regulations require businesses to take steps to control the major accident hazards involving dangerous substances. They apply to establishments where dangerous substances are present in quantities at or above the threshold levels set out in Schedule 1 of the regulations

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (Northern Ireland) SR 2003/34 Requires employers to assess risks, prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances and monitor employees' exposure.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) SR 2003/288 Amends 2003/34 to add a definition of mutagen and include 17 polychlorodibenzodioxins and polychlorodibenzofurans to the list of carcinogens.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) SR 2005/165 Amends 2003/288 with minor changes.


European Communities (EC) Regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) 1907/2006 (As amended) Requires manufacturers and importers of chemicals to evaluate and manage risks arising from their use, and prove that chemicals placed on the market are safe.

REACH Enforcement Regulations SI2008/2852 Implement the enforcement regime for REACH, by allocating the authorities the powers they need. Set the offences and penalties for contraventions of REACH requirements.

EU Regulation on the export and import of hazardous chemicals 2012/649 Introduces more stringent provisions on the import and export of dangerous chemicals in order to give greater protection to human health and the environment.

Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations SI 1999/743 Places greater responsibility on users of dangerous substances to prevent accidents and limit their effect on people and the environment. Users must have an accident prevention policy and an on-site emergency plan.

Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations SI 2005/1088 Amends 1999/743 with changes to requirements for accident plans and policies.

Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations SI 2008/1087 Amends 1999/743 to correct errors.

The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 These regulations require businesses to take steps to control the major accident hazards involving dangerous substances. They apply to establishments where dangerous substances are present in quantities at or above the threshold levels set out in Schedule 1 of the regulations

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations SI 2002/2677 Requires employers to assess the risks of, and prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances and monitor employees' exposure. Also places duties on employees concerning their own protection from such exposure.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations SI 2003/978 Amends 2002/2677 by adding new definitions and additional hazardous substances.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations SI 2004/3386 Amends 2002/2677 by introducing new exposure limits and amending the duty to review control measures.

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