Ensure legal compliance
An important part of managing environmental performance is to make sure that your business complies with all relevant environmental legislation. Aiming to make continuous improvement will take you beyond the requirements of the regulations, and will help to develop higher standards. In the first instance you must make sure you are aware of and compliant with all relevant environmental regulations. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, you can use NetRegs to help you identify the legislation that applies to you.
Identify where your business could have environmental impacts.
You can use the NetRegs Business topics to help you list all the areas where your business might have impacts on the environment. Choose the business sector that matches your business type and check all the lists of topics associated with each area.
If you can’t find your business type, then use the A-Z of Jobs to identify which business sector is most appropriate to your activities.
The guidance will explain how to comply with any environmental regulations that apply to you and will also tell you if a permit or licence is needed.
You can also do a check of your environmental compliance by using the NetRegs Environmental self-assessment tool. This is free, anonymous and easy to use and will produce a report generated by your answers to a set of questions. You can use this report to identify areas for improvement and follow the links to the relevant NetRegs guidance.
NetRegs: Environmental compliance self-assessment tool