Managing your land well will help you:

  • save money
  • avoid causing pollution
  • protect local habitats
  • reduce the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events
  • get funding through government grant schemes.

There are schemes which reward landowners who manage their land well.

Agri-environment schemes

Agri-environment schemes pay farmers and other land managers who demonstrate good environmental management on their land. For example you may receive funding for:

  • supporting natural habitats and biodiversity
  • enhancing the landscape
  • improving the water, air or soil quality.

There are different schemes in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

See our guidance on cross compliance and agri-environment schemes.

Single payment scheme and single farm payment scheme

If you meet the requirements of cross compliance, you may qualify to claim payments under the single farm payment scheme (SFPS).

To receive SFPS payments, and payments under some other rural schemes, you must maintain certain standards, known as statutory management requirements (SMRs), and keep your land in good agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC). You will have to demonstrate that you meet standards on public, animal and plant health, the environment and animal welfare on your farm, and that you conserve habitats and manage soil and water.

See our guidance on cross compliance and agri-environment schemes.


Get advice on options for managing upland landscapes, including minimising the use of muirburn. Contact the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) for more information.

GWCT Muirburn Advisory Service via:

Further information

British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC): Rural land management

Other relevant NetRegs guidance

Land and soil management for agricultural businesses

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